Adding a Reset button to CUBA Default Filter


In my application I have added a cuba deafult filter such as Country, Crop and Variety. Now when the user wants to select other values the User needs to remove all the values in the filter and select again.
Now , here can i get a reset button so that when ever the user clicks on it, the cuba filters should become null/Empty.
Please help me out of this. It would be helpful if you provide a demo.
Best Regards,
Dhanush Chikoti

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Unfortunately, the Filter API doesn’t allow to do it. We’ve created an issue:

Thanks @gorbunkov,
Is there any way this issue can be added to next release?


Unfortunately, no new features will be added to the release 6.8, because it is about to be published. The issue is planned for the 6.9

Hi @gorbunkov,

Thanks for the update. Is there any tentative date for the Release 6.9 so that will update the client.


The 6.9 is scheduled to be released in April


Thanks for the release Update @gorbunkov. Cheers!!

This is nice feature