Access REST from Jelastic

Which address could I use to access Cuba.platform REST from JeLastic?
I tried
But with no success


In which context have you deployed the application in the Jelastic environment? It seems in ROOT.

So the URL should be

I got help to solve this. I had included app in the url. That caused trouble in JeLastic.
How do I deploy the app-portal in Jelastic?
It is not deployed with the default core application.

We have never deployed portal to the Jelastic cloud yet. And Studio does not support it (an application is deployed using single war which does not contain portal).

But it seems you can build separate WARs (app.war, app-core.war, app-portal.war) upload them to Jelastic and deploy to separate contexts.

Note: errors are logged to catalina.out which is accessible via Jelastic administration panel.
