i have not permission for screen i checked all permissions from admin panel
Cuba returns me error in bellow when i’m opening the screen.
20:56:15.129 ERROR c.h.cuba.core.sys.ServiceInterceptor - Exception in DataService.loadValues(..): com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.AccessDeniedException: ENTITY_ATTR ref_Position.pos.name
20:56:15.168 ERROR com.haulmont.cuba.web.log.AppLog - Exception in com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.CubaMenuBar: com.haulmont.cuba.core.global.AccessDeniedException: ENTITY_ATTR ref_Position.pos.name
Cuba version 7.2.11
<keyValueCollection id="averageAgeDc">
<loader id="averageAgeDl">
pos.name as positionName,
sum( extract(year from CURRENT_DATE) - extract(year from c.birthDate) ) / count(c.birthDate) as averageAge,
from jobster_Person c join c.position pos
where c.completed = true and c.birthDate is not null and FUNCTION('check_date_format',c.birthDate)=true group by pos.name
<c:where>c.fillDate >= :fromDate</c:where>
<c:where><![CDATA[c.fillDate <= :toDate]]></c:where>
<property datatype="string" name="positionName"/>
<property datatype="decimal" name="averageAge"/>
<property datatype="decimal" name="count"/>
All perissions given to the entity and screen.
When i’m loged in with admin role , it works. But i’m logged in with another tenant user cuba gives me this error.
Can you advice me please.