Abbreviations of column headers


I have an entity which is have a lot of attribute and each attribute has a long message text, and may it is just a boolean attribute.
I do not like that I must scroll horizontally my browser screen.
Do you have any tips and/or tricks for column headers which are too long? Longer than their usual values, like a checkbox.



I can suggest the following:

  1. Specify the preferred column width in the screen controller
  2. Specify the stylename attribute for a table, e.g. stylename="abbreviation"
  3. Add the following style to a theme extension:
.abbreviation .v-table-caption-container {
   text-overflow: ellipsis;

FYI: DataGrid component has such style by default


Thank you for the fast answer!
And there is any way to show the full coulmn header title on mouse hover? Like a tooltip?
And how to display the entity’s table in a DataGrid? Just change in xml the ‘grouptable’ to ‘datagrid’?

Sometimes on edit screen the “Save” and “Cancel” buttons do not seem, cause of the lots of field. And there is no horizontal scroll. Any solution for that?


  • To add a tooltip for a column you can specify the description property. Pay attention, that you can use localized message for an entity's field as a description by defining a full key including package name (see [url=]docs[/url]).
  • You can read about the DataGrid component in the [url=]documentation[/url]. Also, check our live [url=]demos[/url].
