I’m getting this error after upgrading to Cuba Studio 6.7, when I attempt to open a project. Seems as though the 6.6 project doesn’t upgrade properly.
What’s the fix to get the project to open?
I’m getting this error after upgrading to Cuba Studio 6.7, when I attempt to open a project. Seems as though the 6.6 project doesn’t upgrade properly.
What’s the fix to get the project to open?
I am having the same issue upgrading from 6.4 to 6.7
Could you share Studio log files from your homefolder/.haulmont/studio/logs/ ?
Best regards,
I can’t create a new project either. Seems like an issue looking up a repository
Solved this issue. I had to add the following to the repositories in build.gradle:
maven {
url ‘Index of /groups/work’
maven {
url ‘http://maven.vaadin.com/vaadin-addons’
I’m glad that your problem is solved.
Best regards,
The issue regarding creating new projects is still happening. The build.gradle file is not created properly. Adding the missing repositories enables me to work around the issue, but this is an annoying bug and should be fixed.
What version of CUBA Studio do you use? Could you try to create a new project and send me studio log?
Best regards,
Could you attach build.gradle
of a new project (which doesn’t work)?
To fix the problem you should add the main repository to the buildscript
buildscript {
ext.cubaVersion = '6.7.2'
repositories {
// this section is absent in your build.gradle file
maven {
url 'https://repo.cuba-platform.com/content/groups/work'
credentials {
username(rootProject.hasProperty('repoUser') ? rootProject['repoUser'] : 'cuba')
password(rootProject.hasProperty('repoPass') ? rootProject['repoPass'] : 'cuba123')
maven {
url 'https://repo.cuba-platform.com/content/groups/premium'
credentials {
username(rootProject.hasProperty('repoUser') ? rootProject['repoUser'] : 'premUser')
password(rootProject.hasProperty('repoPass') ? rootProject['repoPass'] : 'premPassword')
dependencies {
classpath "com.haulmont.gradle:cuba-plugin:$cubaVersion"
You can find more information on this documentation page: Configuring Access to Repository.
Best regards,