Hello everyone.
I’m starting to use the framework and there are certain behaviors that I would like to customize. For example; I like to overwrite the OK button in the edit screen and not close when a new record is created?
It is possible ?, it may be a very simple question but I have searched and have not found anything.
Sorry my bad Enghish.
First of all, you can use the built-in capability of the platform - extendedWindowActions frame. When you generate standard screens for an entity, select “Extended window actions” checkbox for the editor screen. A quote from the context help:
Extended window actions - if selected, the extendedEditWindowActions frame will be used in the screen instead of editWindowActions. Extended frame contains Save and close, Save and Cancel buttons and enables saving the editor without closing it.
If you already have an editor screen, open it in in Screen Designer, select the existing windowActions frame and just check “extended” on the Properties tab.
If you want full control over the edit screen behavior, better remove windowActions frame from the screen and add custom buttons and handler methods. For example, below is a XML descriptor and controller of an editor that have two buttons. The first button saves if the entity is new and saves and then closes the screen if the entity is not new. The second closes the screen without saving.
Thanks for the response, works well, but if I want to create a new record when you click on save ?.
It is to leave the list screen again to enter a new record.
It’s an interesting use case. An implementation can be as follows.
First, I created a new editor screen which is registered with ID = demo$Customer.add. It contains custom buttons that invoke handler methods:
public class CustomerAdd extends AbstractEditor<Customer> {
private FieldGroup fieldGroup;
private Metadata metadata;
private boolean needRefreshBrowser;
// indicates for the calling code that we saved some entities
// and the browser's datasource should be refreshed
public boolean isNeedRefreshBrowser() {
return needRefreshBrowser;
public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
// remove default actions provided by editor
// do not show notification on save
public void onSaveBtnClick(Component source) {
// commit entity
// create new instance and set it for the editor
// set focus to the FieldGroup
// indicate that we saved some entities
needRefreshBrowser = true;
public void onCloseBtnClick(Component source) {
In the browse screen, I create an additional Create action in the controller and add a close listener to refresh the datasource if the editor added some entities:
public class CustomerBrowse extends AbstractLookup {
private Table<Customer> customersTable;
private CollectionDatasource<Customer, UUID> customersDs;
public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {
CreateAction multiCreate = new CreateAction(customersTable, WindowManager.OpenType.NEW_TAB, "multiCreate");
multiCreate.setAfterWindowClosedHandler(window -> {
if (((CustomerAdd) window).isNeedRefreshBrowser()) {
that’s exactly the scenario (steps 1…5 mentioned above) I’m struggling with since days, with a slightly different approach: It wouldn’t be suitable to decide in which mode the editor should be opened (single or multi, as proposed above), but open it in one distinct way (‘create’) and decide during editing to save&close or save&create.
I managed those two buttons, the standard behavior, and the one for saving the entity and creating a new instance.
What I’m struggling with is,
how to ‘bind’ the new instance with the editor screen and clear (init) the screen
how to update the lookup after closing the editor screen (have i create the screen programmatically therefore?)
I read the doc’s, saw a couple of solutions for V6.x, but…