I think I found the reason for my problem.
I recreated some screens from scratch and it worked on the new screens. Then I merged the changes until it did not work anymore.
The reason it did not work is, that the “data” tag was not marked as readonly=“true”.
The database table is read only, but the entity in CUBA is not defined as read only. It seems, that in CUBA 7, it still needs to be declared as read only, but only when the entity base class is “BaseLongIdEntity”.
Before and not working:
<!-- ... -->
<collection id="kndDtnsDc" class="de.nexloy.crm.vorgangsverwaltung.entity.KndDtn" view="KndDtn-screen-view">
<loader id="kndDtnsDl">
<query><![CDATA[select e from vorgangsverwaltung$KndDtn e ]]></query>
<!-- ... -->
Afterwards and working:
<!-- ... -->
<data readOnly="true">
<collection id="kndDtnsDc"
<loader id="kndDtnsDl">
<![CDATA[select e from vorgangsverwaltung$KndDtn e]]>
<!-- ... -->
I hope you can explain me, why that makes a difference. I still do not quite understand, why this is important.
Kind regards,