Development of Cuba REST API C# client library to use with Xamarin

Access token management is automated.
Library tries to perform the request. If it gets an “not valid access token” response, it automatically tries to request a new one based on saved refresh token. And then (still automatically) perform the original request and return result.

If refresh token is invalid as well (i.e. server was rebooted) or empty, the library tries to call RequestCredentials delegate, waiting for user’s login/password. It’s a good place to hook in with your auth dialog by setting this delegate to your own method. Please see “Manual client authenification” section on GitHub page for details.

thank you very much Sergey! So, how is your opinion to try to implement crud operation, can i do it by restsharp/http client or it need to be implemented in your library?

Thank you very much

You can start with nesting CubaRestApi class and adding nessesary methods in your child class. This is the simpliest way.

Generally, it would be great if you forked and modified the library and created pull request. I would include your contribution into the library. One day soon or late I (and other programmers) will anyway need create/update operations on entities as well.