Block user after n trials of wrong username and password

Hi Team ,

Is their is any way to block the user if he tried to login to the system n number of times with wrong username and password.

Then take action to send notification to support team the user “xyz” is trying to login to the system with wrong credentials to support him.

  • For your first requirement, there is an OOTB function called bruteForceProtection. Not sure if that is what you need.

Enables a mechanism for the protection against password brute force cracking.

Blocking interval in seconds after exceeding a maximum number of failed login attempts, if the cuba.bruteForceProtection.enabled property is on.

A maximum number of failed login attempts for the combination of user login and IP address, if the cuba.bruteForceProtection.enabled property is on.

You can find the detail of the above setting in URL below.

  • Your second requirement can be done with customization.

To be more specific, you can override in the core module to send the notification.

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